Founding Partner

USEPA Region 9
Founding Partner


The Alliance Advisory Council serves as the environmental conscience of the Alliance. It is comprised of not less than twelve Advisory Councilors, including at least 9 members elected by the Membership who have knowledge about leadership issues, the environment, and are not employed by any business or organization participating in the Alliance, and at least three governmental members consisting of one representative of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, one representative of the Environmental Protection Agency Region IX, and one ex-officio representative of a county government chosen from the counties where Alliance member organizations reside. Advisory Councilors are elected by the Membership and serve three year terms.
Information on Advisory Council Members and Officers can be found on the "Meet Our Member Delegates and Advisory Councilors" page.
The Alliance is a partnership created in 1992 by Arizona Public Service, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), and Region IX of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In addition to ADEQ and EPA Region 9, the Maricopa County Air Quality Department and the Pinal County Air Quality Department serve as partner organizations.
Alliance Founding Partners and current Partner Organizations include:
Founding Partner
Founding Partner