Alliance News and Events Archives (2013 to 2015)
The Alliance hosts or sponsors various environmental mentoring and educational events throughout the year. View articles by clicking on the links below.
2015 July 14 Maricopa County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
Banner for the 2015 July 14th Seminar
Record Attendance for 2015 July 14th Maricopa County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance in Partnership with Maricopa County Air Quality Department held an Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar on Tuesday, July 14, 2015.
Eighty-eight registered attendees representing fifty-five facilities and organizations heard nine presentations, including featured speaker, Phil McNeely, AQ Director, Maricopa County, and other Maricopa county and Alliance speakers on a wide range of topics, including "Air Quality Update -- Compliance Assurance", "Rules, Ozone Attainment Challenges", "Permitting, Understanding Your Permit", "Coompliance, Division Overview and Inspections", "Enforcement, What to Expect", "Business Assistance - Blue Sky Awards", "Air Emissions Process Kaizen: Case Study Honeywell Aerospace Sky Harbor Site","Permit Review Process", and "Regulatory Engagement".
This seminar continues the Alliance series of mentoring and educational compliance seminars, which support several of the primary goals of the Alliance, including to mentor and educate Arizona small businesses by providing regulatory compliance assistance. In addition, this and other Alliance programs support the Alliance goal of encouraging collaboration between industry and regulators, and fostering working relationships and communication.
The Alliance extends our appreciation to all who attended and participated, and especially to AQ Director Phil McNeely and all the Maricopa County representatives who contributed time and effort towards this worthwhile & successful event.
2015 May 14 Environmental Tech Tour: ASU John Cowley Center for High Resolution Electrorn Microscopy
Tour included the aberration corrected electron microscopy center
Alliance Members Tour ASU John Cowley Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy
2015 May 14 Alliance Environmental Technical Tour / ASU John Cowley Center Alliance Members and Guests toured the John Cowley Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy in May, 2015. Our hosts were Al Brown (ASU), and Karl Weiss (Manager, John Cowley Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy), and Dr. Emmanuel Soignard (Goldwater Materials Science Facility), and Jeffrey Luth (Industrial Associates Program, LeRoy Eyring Center for Solid State Science (not present for the tour)).
The Alliance extends our appreciation to Karl Weiss, Dr. Emmanuel Soignard, and Jeffrey Luth.
See Additional Images Below.
2015 January 21 Pinal County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
Kale Walch, Pinal County AQ Dept, Addresses attendees of the AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
Second Annual One-Day Pinal Countyh AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance in Partnership with Pinal County Air Quality Department held an Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar on January 21st, 2015.
Fifty-four registered attendees representing thirty-four facilities and organizations heard seven presentations on topics including "Permitting", "Compliance Inspections", "Enforcement Procedures", "Particulate Matter State Implementation Plan Update", "What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate", "Strategic Permitting", "and a "Legislative Update". Dr. Nick Hild, Moderator.
This seminar continues the Alliance series of mentoring and educational compliance seminars, which support several of the primary goals of the Alliance, including to mentor and educate Arizona small businesses by providing regulatory compliance assistance. In addition, this and other Alliance programs support the Alliance goal of encouraging collaboration between industry and regulators, and fostering working relationships and communication.
The Alliance extends our appreciation to all who attended and participated, and especially to Pinal County Air Quality Director Mike Sundblom, and Kale Walch, and all who contributed time and effort towards this worthwhile & successful event.
2014 June 25 Maricopa County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
Hosted at the University Club of Phoenix
First Annual Maricopa County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar Held June 25, 2014
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance in Partnership with Maricopa County Air Quality Department held the First Annual Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar on June 25, 2014.
Fifty registered attendees representing at least 28 facilities and organizations heard presentations on Permitting; Compliance Inspections; Enforcement Procedures; PING's AQ Permit Compliance Experience; Honeywell Aerospace Practical Steps to Implementation of an EMS; and How to Get and Keep the Attention of Regulators. Moderators: Dr. Nick Hild (ASU) and Ken Hooker (Maricopa County AQ Dept.)
This seminar continues the Alliance series of mentoring and educational compliance seminars, which support several of the primary goals of the Alliance, including to mentor and educate Arizona small businesses by providing regulatory compliance assistance. In addition, this and other Alliance programs support the Alliance goal of encouraging collaboration between industry and regulators, and fostering working relationships and communication.
The Alliance extends our appreciation to all who attended and participated and contributed time and effort towards this worthwhile & successful event.
2014 March 28 Alliance Environmental Technical Tour ASU Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation
Alliance Environmental Technical Tour of the Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation
Alliance members, guests, and ASU students, toured the Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation(AzCATI) Friday, March 28th. Our host was Dr. Milton Sommerfeld (pictured at left). The research facility is a part of the LightWorks initiative, and is embedded within the Polytechnic School at Arizona State University. AzCATI "serves as a national testbed for research, testing, and commercialization of algae-based products such as biofuels, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and other algae biomass co-products. AzCATI provides open test and evaluation facilities for the algae industry and research community."
Our thanks to Dr. Sommerfeld for an impressive presentation and for providing us with a detailed facility tour. The Alliance also thanks Al Brown, Alliance Advisory Councilor and ASU instructor, for his assistance in facilitating this tour.
SCROLL DOWN to view additional PHOTOS of the AzCATI facility and the Alliance tour.
AzCATI has a website at
2014 January 14th Pinal County AQ Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar.
Includes Speaker Powerpoints
2014 January 14th Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance in Partnership with Pinal County Air Quality Department presented an Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar on Tuesday, January 14th, 2014, at the Central Arizona College Small Business Development Center in Casa Grande, Arizona. The seminar was free to registered attendees, with refreshments and lunch provided courtesy of Mitch Klein and Polsinelli (
The seminar included "Regulator Presentations" in the morning, followed by "Industry Representative Presentations" in the afternoon. Regulators "left the building" after lunch, to encourage facility representatives to more freely ask for assistance with questions they might otherwise not ask -- with "enforcement" officials sitting in the room.
Regulator Presentations included: PERMITTING, by Kale Walch and Anu Jain, Pinal County; COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONS, by Bob Farrell, Pinal County; and ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES, by Mike Sundblom, Pinal County. Our Guest Lunch Speaker was Amanda Reeve, of Polsinelli. Industry Representative Presentations included: AQ PERMIT COMPLIANCE EXPERIENCE, PM, by Matt Conway, PING; PRACTICAL STEPS TO IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EMS, by Greg Bopp, Honeywell Aerospace; and HOW TO GET AND KEEP THE ATTENTION OF REGULATORS, by Mitch Klein, Polsinelli (
Our Seminar Moderator was Dr. Nick Hild, ASU.
The Alliance expresses our appreciation to all the seminar speakers and to the attendees for your participation and help in making this a well-attended and valuable seminar!
Air Quality Permit Compliance Assistance Seminar Agenda
PERMITTING / Kale Walch, Anu Jain, Pinal County Air Quality Department
COMPLIANCE INSPECTIONS / Bob Farrell, Pinal County Air Quality Department
ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES / Mike Sundblom, Pinal County Air Quality Department
LUNCH SPEAKER: Amanda Reeve, Polsinelli
Copy of the (expired) PDF Flier:
Seminar PDF Flier
2013 Environmental Technical Tour at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Environmental Technical Tour: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Alliance members and guests participated in an Environmental Technical Tour at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station on May 16th, 2013. Our host, Marty Eroh, APS, was our guide and shared with us key environmental management issues of the facility as well as providing a very impressive and detailed tour of the facility. Alliance Environmental Technical Tours provide an opportunity for both Alliance members and guests to share experiences, technical expertise, and mentor organizations that may be tasked with similar environmental challenges. The tours support the Alliance goals to protect and enhance Arizona's environment, and take place 3 to 4 times per year. PHOTO: L to R: Jeannie Chang (APS), Marty Eroh (APS), Dr. Nick Hild (ASU), Mike Hillmer (APS), Tim Ralston (BHP Billiton), Neal Brown (APS), Mitch Klein (Polsinellli), Justin Bauer (N. L. Weiss & Assoc.), Melissa Schmaltz (PING), Dan Krick (Arlington), Kim Furphy (BHP), Rob Barnett (PING), Beverly Westgaard (Alliance), Joe Holmes (Univar), Jim Thrush (Alliance), Matt Conway (PING), Richard Kistner (Broadway Metal Recycling), Hal Berkowitz (ASU), Paul Diciccio (APS).
2013 Alliance Biennial Air Quality Luncheon
Above: Attendees listening to Don Gabrielson, Director, Pinal County AQ Dept, at the 2013 Alliance Biennial Air Quality Luncheon. Seated at speaker table is Bill Wiley, Director, Maricopa County AQ Dept
2013 Alliance Biennial Air Quality Luncheon
Approximately 50 attendees participated in an active discussion of PM air quality issues of concern to both regulated businesses and residents at the March 28th Air Quality Luncheon featuring speakers Bill Wiley, Director, Maricopa County Air Quality Department and Don Gabrielson, Director, Pinal County Air Quality Department. The event included a buffet luncheon, and was hosted by the Alliance at the Grace Inn in Ahwatukee. A Q&A session was led by Alliance Advisory Councilor Dr. Nick Hild. Matt Conway, PING, Alliance Chair, opened the event, and welcomed attendees and introduced the feature speakers.
2013 Alliance Environmental Technical Tour at CAP
cap control center. alliance members (left photo) with the interactive "live" wall map of cap, and (right photo) control center operator explains a process to alliance members.
2013 Alliance Environmental Technical Tour at Central Arizona Project (CAP)
Alliance members and guests met for a tour of Central Arizona Project and the CAP Control Center on February 27th. Our host, Larry Person, CAP, discussed Arizona water resources and touched on a number of critical energy and resource issues of concern to Arizona businesses and residents. Our appreciation to CAP and Larry for this educational opportunity.