Alliance News and Events Archives (2020 through 2024)
The Alliance hosts or sponsors various environmental mentoring and educational events throughout the year. View articles by clicking on the links below.
Alliance 2024 June 24 Tour of ASU Power Plant
Photos and tour information To Be Posted Here - please return at a later date for more information or contact the Alliance.
2023 May 16 Alliance Environmental Compliance for Business and Industry SEMINAR
2023 May 16th Environmental Compliance Assistance for Business and Industry SeminarThe Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance hosted a one-day Environmental Compliance Assistance for Business and Industry Seminar on May 16th, 2023, at the INTEL Ocotillo Facility in Chandler, Arizona. Fifty-two registered attendees representing at least 28 organizations, including small and larger businesses and organizations heard and participated in presentationis from both industry environmental experts and environmental regulatory agency leaders and representatives. This full-day seminar was the first in-person event hosted by the Allilance since pandemic restrictions were lifted and provided many with a very welcome opportunity to meet with, share information with, and network with environmental colleagues from Arizona businesses and leaders and representatives of environmental regulatory agencies.
This seminar and others like it support several of the primary goals of the Alliance, including protecting Arizona's environment by providing mentoring and education opportunities to Arizona small businesses and providing regulatory compliance assistance and environmental leadership. In addition, this and our other Alliance seminars support the Alliance goal of fostering working relationships and communication between environmental regulators and industry.
PRESENTATIONSThe presentations included the following (below). You can download the presentations by clicking on the links.
INTEL WELCOME 2 Slides Regulatory Agency Updates (No PowerPoint) - ADEQ - Karen Peters, DirectorRegulatory Agency Updates (No PowerPoint) - MCAQD - Philip McNeely, Director
Regulatory Agency Updates - PCAQCD - Scott Dibiase, Interim Director
Supply Chain / JOE HOLMES, Univar Solutions
Supply Chain / AUSTIN EVANS (no PowerPoint), INTEL
Clean Air Act / Expanding in Non-Attainment Areas / CRAIG MCCURRY
MERC's / DAVE BEARDON, Waste Management
MERC's / JIM LYONS, Trinity
PFOA - PFAS / MITCH KLEIN, Snell & Wilmer
AZ Legislative Updates / Amanda Reeve (No PowerPoint), Snell & Wilmer
Number of registered attendees: 52
Facilities or organizations represented: 28
Total Number of Presentations: 14
Panel Discussions: 3
PHOTO: L to R -- Scott DiBiase, Interim Dir. PCAQCD; Philip McNeely, Dir. MCAQD: Karen Peters, Dir. ADEQ; Matt Conway, Ping (Alliance Vice Chair)
2022 May 16 Alliance TOUR of ASU NASA LAB
Alliance Member VIP Tour of LROC Lunar Exploration Museum
Alliance members and guests were invited to participate in a VIP Tour of the LROC Lunar Exploration Museum at ASU on May 16th, 2022. The Alliance thanks our tour guides for this opportunity, including Dr. Mark Robinson, Aaron Boyd, Robert Wagner, and Holly Brown. Our thanks also to Al Brown, ASU (and Alliance Advisory Councilor), for coordinating the tour.
"All members of our tour group learned the importance of the work being done by LROC for gaining knowledge of the history of our solar system. The participants had continuous questions. Everyone was fully engaged for every available minute in a lively discussion." (Al Brown)
See photos below. Notice the glass case that displays a basalt moon rock (Sample 15555) which is a piece of a larger rock collected at the Appollo 15 landing site.
Since some members were unable to attend, the Alliance may return to the Lunar Museum at a future date. If you may be interested in attending, please send us your email using the "Receive Upcoming Event Notices" link found below on this page.
2022 May 5 Presentation of New Member Certificate Presentation HEXCEL
Hexcel Casa Grande Welcomed to Alliance Membership!
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance is pleased to welcome Hexcel Casa Grande as an official Member of our organization! Hexcel has proven itself to be an environmental leader in Arizona, and we congratulate Hexcel and welcome the opportunity to work together to achieve the goals and objectives of the Alliance.
Hexcel is the world's largest producer of honeycomb material for commercial aircraft structures and interiors, defense aircraft, helicopters, and various industrial applications. Information about Hexcel is available on their website at
Kale Walch, Environmental Health & Safety Manager at Hexcel Casa Grande, is Hexcel's Delegate (representative) to the Alliance. Kale has served in various positions with the Alliance over the years, including as an Advisory Councilor. Thank you Kale and Hexcel for your continued service & dedication to the environment & Alliance principles!
About Alliance Membership
The Alliance is a unique public/private partnership that demonstrates environmental leadership througout Arizona. Our membership is comprised of manufacturers, corporations, and municipalities, and our Advisory Council includes regulators, academicians, and consultants. Our members maintain a high level of environmetal integrity and performance, and strive to raise the environmental performance bar throughout industry in Arizona.
Alliance Members work toward environmental improvement beyond regulatory mandates, and must demonstrate commitment to environmental quality and support of the Alliance Environmental Principles. Members demonstrate environmental leadership by meeting performance characteristics and substantial compliance with all applicable environmental laws, rules, and regulations. Membership requires an application and a site visit, and is subject to a rigorous review by the Alliance Membership Application Review Committee.
Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership include public recognition for outstanding environmental performance, opportunities for improved financial performance through shared pollution prevention solutions, access to environmental regulators and community members in a neutral setting, and opportunities for mentoring with Arizona's most notable businesses and environmental leaders.
More information about Alliance Membership requirements & benefits can be found under the "Membership" links on this website.
2021 November 9th Alliance WEBINAR
Brief Update: Thank you for your participation at the Alliance 2021 Fall Webinar
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance completed our second online Alliance Fall Webinar, "Environmental Compliance Assistance for Business & Industry" .
About sixty attendees registered, representing at least 39 organizations, including small and larger businesses and organizations, to participate in two presentations on Tuesday morning, November 9th, 2021.
More details to be posted here at a later date.
Thank you to our speakers and all attendees for your participation!
2020 Fall Environmental Compliance Assistance for Business & Industry WEBINAR
Alliance Hosts First Webinar
The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance hosted our first online Alliance Fall Webinar, a three-session series of presentations and panel discussions focusing on "Environmental Compliance Assistance for Business & Industry" on October 15th, October 29th, and November 10th. The Alliance chose to use an online virtual format this year as a health precaution in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Sixty-two registered attendees representing at least 38 organizations, including small and larger businesses and organizations in at least four counties, participated in six presentations or panel discussions from both industry environmental experts and environmental regulatory agency representatives.
These presentations included: Panel Discussion: Arizona Environmental Agencies - Conducting Agency Business & Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic (3 Agencies Represented - Misael Cabrera, Director, ADEQ; Philip McNeely, Director, MCAQD; and Michael Sundblom, Director, PCAQCD); Panel Discussion: Industrial & Legal Reps - Operating Safely & Maintaining Compliance During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Experience and Practices (Represented by Anne Carlton, APS; Tyler Burrell, Arlington Valley Energy; and Mitch Klein, Snell & Wilmer); Waters of the US / Arizona Waters of the State (Natalie Chrisman Lazarr, Principal Engineer in Corporate Environmental, APS); Asbestos Safety and Awareness (Bill Cavness, The Asbestos Institute); Process Safety Practices and Chemical Accident Prevention (Greg Bazley, Emergency Planning and Preparedness, US EPA Region 9); and Panel Discussion: Energy Sustainability, Represented by Eric Massey (Manager, Environmental Support, APS); and Taimur Burki (Global Green Building Program Manager, INTEL).
[Temporarily PowerPoints and materials are available for download for these presentations: Director Misael Cabrera, ADEQ; Bill Cavness, Asbestos Safety and Awareness; and Greg Bazley, US EPA Region 9. Click on the speaker name to download.]
Michael Denby, APS (Alliance Chair), opened Session 1 with a welcome to attendees and comments about the webinar and the Alliance. Kale Walch, Hexcel (Alliance Event Committee Chair), gave the closing remarks for Session 1. Scott Tallini, MCAQCD (Alliance Advisory Councilor Chair), opened Session 2 and provided closing remarks for Session 2. Kale Walch both opened and provided closing remarks for Session 3.
This webinar and other Alliance environmental seminars and webinars continue our series of mentoring and educational environmental compliance seminars and webinars. This webinar, and our seminars, support several of the primary goals of the Alliance, including protecting Arizona's environment through mentoring and educating Arizona small businesses and providing regulatory compliance assistance. In addition, this webinar and our Alliance seminars support the Alliance goal of fostering working relationships and communication between environmental regulators and industry.
The Alliance Event Committee thanks all the attendees and participants for helping make this Webinar a great success, and we appreciate the speakers, moderators, and other Alliance members for their help and contributions to this first Alliance Webinar!