Alliance 101:  A Unique Partnership


The Arizona Environmental Strategic Alliance is a unique public-private partnership which demonstrates environmental leadership to Arizona communities and businesses. In addition to gaining opportunities to showcase their environmental leadership, regulatory and business members enjoy informal access to each other in a casual setting. Further, businesses obtain environmental mentoring opportunities through interaction with other members.

The Alliance recognizes leadership characteristics, shares expertise, builds public trust, and works in partnership for positive environmental change. As its cornerstone, the Alliance believes that organizations exhibit environmental leadership by achieving environmental performance beyond regulations and visibly models this philosophy to communities and businesses.


The Alliance was originally created in 1992 by APS, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), and Region IX of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the first partnership of its kind in the nation to combine the resources of private industry and federal and state regulatory agencies.

Members now include other businesses and organizations which demonstrate leadership and commitment to environmental quality through their actions.


The Alliance consists of member organizations, a board of directors, and an advisory council.


Members are comprised of an elite group of companies and organizations from throughout Arizona that have established themselves as environmental leaders, adopted environmentally responsible practices, demonstrated commitment to environmental quality, and maintained exemplary environmental compliance records.  Members adopt and implement the Alliance Principles, and carry out compliance awareness, pollution prevention, environmental education and mentoring projects.


The board of directors is elected by and represents the Alliance member organizations. The board elects officers to form an executive committee.  These bodies provide leadership and management, and oversee the corporate and programmatic functions.  Board members conduct marketing and outreach efforts and act as community ambassadors for the organization.


The advisory council is comprised of educators, environmental organization representatives, academicians, members of the public, and others with expertise in environmental management and technology, environmental law, and economic development.

Two standing seats are held by the founding regulatory partners, ADEQ and EPA-Region IX, and one is held by a representative county.  The advisory council recommends initiatives, membership, and priority development.


The board of directors determines the funding structure of the Alliance. Currently, members provide Board approved annual Member dues and contributions including in-kind services.

In addition, as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the Alliance is eligible for and seeks grants and endowments to help carry out environmental leadership projects. We extend our appreciation to organizations that have provided funding to the Alliance, including:  "Polsinelli", "The International Paper Recycling Foundation", "EPSI", and ADEQ (WRA Grant).